2021 Predictions Wrap Up

Another year, another set of predictions wrapped up.  Let’s see how I did.

Democrats will take at least one of the run off Senate seats in play in Georgia.

Too easy and in fact too conservative in my predictions although I couldn’t have guessed that a couple of carnival barkers (Lin Wood & Sydney Powell) would crisscross the State of Georgia telling Republican voters not to vote because the system was rigged.  Good job guys!

China is going to make a move on the dollar this year

Although China did nothing much to make the Western news, it did in fact put in its due diligence to attack the dollar.  As much as China hates crypto currency, it started its own pilot program this year to create a digital Yuan.  It also got Russia to cut the US dollar from its National Wealth Fund and increase the presence of the Yuan.  With China working with SWIFT (the system for cross border payments among financial institutions) to fully integrate Chinese financial institutions, its well on its way in laying the groundwork to replace the dollar as the world’s reserve currency.

Google’s anti-Trust case gets settled or dismissed

OK I got this wrong.  The case is still moving along at molasses like speed, and recent developments, mainly the Senate confirming Jonathan Kanter to head the antitrust division at DOJ, may mean DOJ might actually be serious.  Kanter is a progressive, but an AOC like true believer, who is more than willing to bite the hand that feeds him, in this case, big tech.  I’m actually glad I got this wrong.

There will be another “stimulus” bill

Good grief that was the easiest thing to predict!

Higher education tries to wrangle a bail out

Not only did they try, they got one, or at least they got one tucked into the Build Back Better bill. Totaling 35 billion dollars, college and university bureaucrats are crossing their fingers this gets passed.

There will still be some COVID restrictions up through the middle of 2021

I got this right, but I could have changed the year by one, two, three or more and it would still have been right.

A major amnesty bill will work its way through Congress

Another correct prediction, but this one has not been out in the open, but has wormed itself inside the “Build Back Better” act.  So you almost never hear any news on it, even though it’s the biggest amnesty (6 million illegals) in US history.

The Harris-but-also Biden Administration will try to get a tax increase bill signed by the end of the year

Also correct.  The status of that bill, namely the “Build Back Better” reconciliation bill, is that it’s passed the House and is waiting on Senate action, hopefully (for the Biden Administration that is) a vote by the end of the year.  The bill is chock full of tax increases except for one very important (to Democrat donors) tax cut, a change to the SALT deduction.  I’ll miss that one.

So one wrong out of eight, I would call that a solid B, or 87.5%